Creativity Comes Easy
Reading an un-excellent blog attempting to talk about how Dungeons and Dragons relates to network engineers, I found one part interesting... the rest read like the guy was trying to impress his bosses by being geeky and using phrases like "forward-thinking." Gay, as we said in High School.
As ridiculous as this may seem - and I'll admit, it's pretty darn ridiculous - the use of dice and placing artificial limitations on the characters are the way that people help to improve the story. Because it's much harder for a group of people to get together and just tell the story without some sort of limitation.
Let's try a little thought experiment.
Tell a story right now. It can be about or on anything. It doesn't have to be a good story or even a long story. You don't even have to write it down."
Okay. Try telling a story about a talking dog and a troll that live together in a cave.
That's a little easier, isn't it?"
"The more limitations that are given - boundaries or obstacles - the more the brain works to be creative. You look to make the most of your boundaries; you look for ways to surpass the obstacles."
This tells me... that my brain doesn't work like (most or many) people do.