And then there's Duck dicks, and the women who love them...
A seriously interesting article on the evolution, and counter-evolution, of duck genitals. If you read it right, or take a few paragraphs out of context, it's also incredibly funny.
A seriously interesting article on the evolution, and counter-evolution, of duck genitals. If you read it right, or take a few paragraphs out of context, it's also incredibly funny.
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Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Just yesterday I saw that my 7yo, Dulce, and my 4yo, Alejandrita (alay-hon-dri-ta), were playing "mail delivery" with each other. I pondered, "What are they using for mail?"
We don't own a computer printer, but I buy a ream of paper (500 sheets) for them to draw on. Each drawing gets numbered and put into their folders so they can see their own progression (as well as me).
I found that they were using the white copy paper. I smiled and said "Okay, but I have to warn you, Dulce, you owe me 10 cents for every page."
She paused.
"500 sheets of paper costs money, sweetie. That's why we don't bother to have a printer - the cost of ink plus paper makes it better just to read the computer screen."
Dulce said "But my mommy took all my money."
Maria, my 10yo, added a clarification "That's because you left it in your pockets."
House rule: any money left uncared for is claimed by the finder - hence why dad never has any money on his person - but that works both ways.
I said "Then you'll have to do some chores to earn some money to pay me back." I started counting folded paper with scribbles on it, and Maria said "I'm not getting you out of this one, Dulce."
I counted up 32 sheets of paper. The cost of her expending resources for fun visibly sank into her. "I'm going to have to work for a whole day to earn that (bit exaggeration, but close)." she said.
"Okay." I said. "You can use more paper if you want, but that'll cost you. I give you the paper for free because I want to see your drawings and creative work, or school work."
My girls have plenty of games that don't involve wasting anything - it was a perfect opportunity to...
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Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Labels: Alejandrita, David (about), Dulce, family, kids, learning, Maria de Guadalupe, personal story
More accurately it based on Mormon themes?
When confronted by things I don't know, rather than say "I don't know" or "It's all based on conjecture" I try to see if I can find the truth. This is merely a thought exercise - can I find the truth? Did Glen A. Larson, a prolific writer and TV series creator, make this particular project based on elements of his religion, Mormonism?
In my gathering of research material, I found one interview with the new Battlestar Galactica executive producer that clinched the whole deal:
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Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Labels: Movies and TV, personal story, religion