Nacho Libre was Fucking Stupid
Nacho Libre was fucking stupid. It's enough to make me curse, and y'all know I don't curse much.
First of all is that the movie attempted to portray horrible execution as camp movie-making, and it doesn't work. It throws in ancient ditties (songs) poorly recorded and has the whole racist angle that I've read Napoleon Dynamite had — in that the only Mexican that is portrayed as good, intelligent, or even non-disgusting to look at is the nun, and she's essentially a 13 year-old's sex object. The level of thinking of the movie, as reviewers said, really is 12-13 year-old boys, and even they won't like this unless peer-pressure sets in.
- Now, I could get over how Mexicans were treated because — everyone in the film was playing a Mexican. It was the flavor more than a deliberate racist remark.
- I could get over the campiness.
Dumb and Dumber I enjoyed, which is why I really couldn't pin down why I don't like Nacho Libre after wanting to like it so much — I think that's the key. Dumb & Dumber never stood too long in one spot. Nacho Libre does — interminably, through the whole damn movie.
By the end of the movie, I was literally wishing it would hurry up and finish to A) put me out of my misery and B) before they have something even more stupid happen that would ruin what I was trying to salvage of the movie.
Doh! I was disappointed.
As for nit-picking, I've got this one: when Nacho, the Catholic Monk turned Luchador (still a great concept for a comedy, no?), said "Maybe in the next life." And this just illustrated the lack of research as to what they were trying to make fun of — Latin Catholics don't have much of a concept of reincarnation, so that didn't seem like a joke, it sounded stupid.
The concept was great. The execution was pitiful.
"GET THAT CONR OUTTA MY FACE!" was the only enjoyable part of the movie for me. =p
Oh THIS movie. I thought you meant the YouTube special.
I can't recall anything that was redeemable :P
Yea they are just trying to rip-off Napoleyne Dynamite. Its kind of sad really.
-Spelling corretion/ CORN not CONR
I loved it, tastes differ, and I assume that was sarcasm, as you are always swearing.
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